210, Delhi Tax Bar Association Building, 30, Rouse Avenue, DDU Marg, New Delhi.

Annual Report

NGOs are required to prepare an annual report as it is meant not only for the stakeholders but also for the Peer institutes and general public so that they can have an idea about the activities of NGO towards fulfilling its objective and goals. Annual reports are comprehensive reports made about the activities of the institution throughout the year. Annual reports give the intended audience an idea about the activities of the institution as well as its performance in the social, cultural and financial department. NGOs need an Annual Report to build and maintain support for their brand which is achieved easily by encouraging, thanking and motivating the supporters, workers, donors and volunteers. It is an important tool in establishing credibility of the NGO. Moreover it is mandatory for any NGO to submit its annual report at the time of filling their returns.

Annual report is a remarkable tool to market NGO’s work, create awareness about their focus area and make widespread appeal for funds to various sections of society. Whenever NGO requires funds from reputable donor agencies (irrespective of nationality) they are required to provide their last three years’ Annual Reports along with Project Proposal and other documents. The Annual Reports is necessary element to get funding as it carries the soul of NGO which depicts current profile, stature of the organization and overview of its purpose, activities undertaken by it as well as maintaining financial transparency that build trust with the audience. It focuses on highlighting the achievements and success throughout the year to ensure the stake holders, donors and funding agencies that their money is being used judiciously and effectively. It is an opportunity to thank those who enable the organization in fulfilling its mission. It can demonstrate the value of membership – how the membership fees or dues were spent.It grows the trust of the organization in society and this in return increases the goodwill of the organization in the society.

The annual report is very necessary for filing return, the give an impact of the activities of the NGO. It contains the review of the events that have been organized or the amount that has been used and the credibility that it brought to the concern. There is a meeting that is held after the annual report is presented with all the donors or the stakeholders along with the important person of the organization to speak on these matters. It also entails the relation between the creative and the informative part of an organization.

The designing of the annual report is equally important along with the content that is presented. There are project designs and graphics that are needed for the annual report which gives the rightful impact to the donors. The report should be picture perfect with the size, font and paper that are used. If clients are in an utter confusion of the look and the ways allow Chanakya to help NGO team.

Annual Report targets various sectors that include: Society to create awareness about the NGO’s purpose and the key areas it focuses on; Stakeholders and community members to communicate information about various projects undertaken and programs implemented; Internal shareholders and members of governing body and employees; Existing and potential donors /supporters to give an insight into organization’s work through the annual report and can further extend their support towards the cause; Peer organizations to garner support for the NGO’s cause and form a network that shall benefit the society by uplifting their living standards and Government. NGO’s activities are monitored by the Government for which annual report becomes a handy tool. Any permission from the Government requires the NGO to submit its annual report.

How Chanakya will help you:

Chanakya Consultancy prepares annual report that declares the Vision, Goals, Objectives and Mission of your organization. This lets the target audience know the purpose behind NGO’s existence; key areas the NGO focuses upon, public disclosure of various programs, capacities, activities conducted in order to achieve the declared goals, quality information about the financial and social performance of the NGO.

We highlight the achievements of the NGO. Annual reports made by us are written in reader friendly language so that people from all walks of life are able to understand it. We focus on narrating the organization’s story through real human experiences and testimonials so that audience can feel a connection and trust the organization. We include messages from Director, Chairman and members of governing council should include facts, figures and administrative details while thanking donors, volunteers, community members, stakeholders precisely everyone who extended help to the organization. A gentle depiction of gratitude motivates them towards more rigorous efforts while inspiring potential ones to come forward and be a helping hand. We also include a call to action appealing everyone to multiply the existing efforts.

We prepare and provide a complete and well developed Annual Report as it is the main part of profile of the organization and it is the documented proof of existence and active participation in on the social issues in the working areas. Annual Report matters most when the donor funding agencies decide the preference and base of approval of grant for the Social Service Organization. Annual Reports are prepared at par with required international standards.

The outline of Annual Reports shall contain:

  • Cover page
  • Executive Summary
  • Index
  • Message from Chairman/CEO/founder
  • Governing Body
  • Profile of the NGO
    • Background of the NGO
    • Legal Registration details of the NGO
    • Essential details of the NGO
    • Awards, Recognition and special mentions of NGO
    • Purpose/Mission, Vision and Values of the NGO
    • Area covered by the NGO
    • Strength of the NGO and its Organization Policy
  • Project(s) undertaken
  • Programs implemented
  • Impact Assessment
  • Donors and Funding
  • Volunteer Support
  • Capacity Building
  • Network
  • Future Perspective
  • Training and Development
  • Photo memories, Testimonials and News
  • Publications and Newsletters
  • Financial Report
    • Financial Performance
    • Audit Report
  • Acknowledgment and Appeals
  • Operating staff and details of Branch offices

To understand well you can check more detail information about Annual Reports

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