NGO Consultancy Service India

Chanakya NGO Consultancy is a well experienced, professional, highly reputed and the best NGO Consultancy Service for India for Non Profit Organizations/ Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs). Chanakya is providing Consulting services for NGO Registration, NGO Funding, 80G Registration for Income Tax rebate to donors and CSR Companies, 12A Registration for Income Tax exemption to the income of NGO generated from donation and other sources, to receive funds from foreign donor agencies FCRA Registration and all kind of other registrations and Consultancy Services for Non Profit and Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs). Chanakya is most recommended NGO Consultancy Service provider that works with passion to assist Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs) / Non-Profit Organizations (NPOs) of all over India with the concept – “We Help Those Who Help Others”. We have been providing Consultancy Services and support to Non Profit Non-Governmental Organizations who are associated and working for Social Service, Social Welfare and Social Development. We support, guide and consult to the Stakeholders, Social Entrepreneurs, Social Activists and Social Workers from initiation as to formation and Registration of NGO and after that to run, manage and maintain status to move ahead to achieve the decided planned and targeted goals and Mission successfully with a Vision.
NGO Registration Consultancy
Chanakya is the best and most recommended NGO Registration Consultancy in India with a proven record. We have experience of more than two and a half decade years with the voluntary organizations of social sector so our consultants are well expert and well experienced with in-depth knowledge of all kinds of processes of NGO Registration in India. We can better guide to register the NGO and manage the NGO in more better way as our expert consultants have practical ground level experience as working with grassroots level NGOs to all kind of well established national and international level organizations. Chanakya is expert consultancy service provider in Trust Registration, Society Registration, Non-Profit Section 8 Company Registration and all other kind of NGO Registration process in India.
We have been preparing Organizational Profile, the Annual Reports and Project Proposals to get funding and grants for Non Profit Organizations. We prepare Impact Assessment Reports and Evaluation Reports for the ongoing and completed Project Proposals of NGOs. We help the NGOs, that are running with a vision, to fulfill their social change making aims and objectives in building a solid backbone by providing them essential applicable services in the field of fund raising, work recognition, project implementation and support to maintain the sustainability. We believe in empowering NGOs so as to enable them in working with intense energy, efforts and execute programs instead of diverting their focus to receive grants. Though to support, guide and consult to get funds and grant for NGO is a part of our consulting service.
NGO Registration Consultancy Services include:
- Trust Registration Consultancy Service
- Society Registration Consultancy Service
- Section 8 Non Profit Company Registration Consultancy Service
National Level and State Level NGO Registration Consultancy Service
NGO Consultancy for Grants and Funding
Chanakya is the most recommended NGO Consultancy service of India for NGO grants and funding consultancy. We provide consultancy service to the deserving and eligible Non-Profit Organizations with well good working profile. We transparently provide consultancy to the applicant NGOs. We prepare Documents, Profiles, Annual Activity Reports, Project Proposal to get funding from Government ministries or departments or authorities, CSR Funding Companies, Donor agencies. We play a remarkable role of expert social sector consultant for the Non-Governmental Organizations as per the global parameters of consultancy service. Though we do not assure to provide fund but we prepare quality documents, profile and appealing project proposal so the applicant NGO can get priority in selection for grant approval. Our team of devoted, experienced and well qualified professionals provides world class services to NGOs right at their requirement. We work passionately to provide quality services to social organizations at the specified schedule. We bridge the gap between NGOs active in various parts of India and the contributor funding agencies and resources through information dissemination and guidance support as Consultant. Please do understand that we help and guide you but do not do liaising work. We are providing consultancy and working with strong ethical and moral principles with the transparent and eligible NGOs.
How we Consult to Social and Voluntary Organizations?
- We see things that aren’t easily visible to you since you are in close proximity with the subject and almost always too drained to focus due to workload of NGO.
- If you get stuck up anywhere we are there for you to unstuck you. We have solutions for most problem a NGO encounters thanks to the years of experience our team members have in this field.
- When things aren’t working in your favor trust us to show you a way forward. Through years of extensive experience and activity in the field we have connections everywhere.
- We will break down big challenges into small logical milestones.
- We build your NGO’s capacity by motivating and reviving the commitment of the board members as well as staff. We organize motivational workshops and help in overcoming inevitable conflicts.
- We will teach you all the skills that you shall need in future to sustain your NGO even after our work is done.
- We put in all our efforts to help you see the horizon; think strategically and logically and aim at achieving your objectives instead of running after funds.
We are special for Social Entrepreneurs because:
- Experience: Chanakya creates a roadmap to navigate your way into the social service field. When you hire us you are actually working with an extensively experienced, seasoned and talented team.
- Approach: Our approach is customized and personalized to meet the requirements of the NGO that consults us. We listen and then plan after deeply analyzing the NGO’s profile and requirements.
- Accessibility: We are there for you constantly in touch with you in person or by Phone, WhatsApp and Email contributing our time, ideas and resources all to help you achieve your objectives.
- Affordability: Our motto is serving those who serve others. Our services are available at an affordable cost so that each and every NGO can be benefited through our services.
- Reputed: We have been working in this field since over 27 years and are reputed as a NGO Consultancy working with passion and providing best results through the network of contacts that we have built over these years.
Our working mechanism involves:
Chanakya provides strategic, legal and advisory solutions to NGOs seeking advancement in their goals while meeting the ethical standards. With years of experience in the social service field and NGO sector, our team members have strong background in planning, strategizing, implementing, and evaluating the task at their end. Our core services include:
- Strategy building – Chanakya offers strategic expertise to develop the client NGO’s profile right from Registration to Annual Report preparation, Project Proposal building, Impact Assessment reports, Case Studies, Achievement Reports, Research Reports etc. We also offer assistance in development of individual programs like signature programs, national and regional initiatives.
- Program Management and Implementation – Chanakya Consultancy is a one stop solution that answers all your NGO related woes and concerns. Our services cover a wide range from launching a program to managing it.
- Evaluation – Chanakya Consultancy performs effective evaluation in form of impact assessment reports, project reports, annual reports etc. to establish, recognize, clarify, and measure the benefits and impact of various programs and projects.
- Profile Preparation of NGO – Chanakya Consultancy also provides advice and guidance to effectively overcome every obstacle including.
- Helping NGO to develop appropriate profile, gain legal registered status in various sectors.
- Creating program strategies for client NGOs, annual report, project reports for them.
- Building NGOs capacity through employee engagement programs.
- Strengthening stakeholder’s faith through engagement programs.
We provide NGO Consultancy Services in all states of India:
Chanakya is proved most recommended and the best Consultancy Service of India. We have been providing Consulting services in all areas and all states of India. We offer consultancy services to NGOs and corporate sector related to social service from formation and Registration of NGO, manage and maintain new NGO, develop and receive resources and fund to work on their decided task and aims, documentation, legal consulting, accounting and technical support. We consult organization to enhance their capabilities, assist in keeping correct and well documentation, get accreditation and recognition, guide and provide required technical and technology related support, accountancy, auditing, Income Tax return, Income Tax exemption certification process, FCRA Registration process and FCRA return submissions, planning tasks and implementing to keeping track to move in right direction and support to achieve goals.
Our Consultancy Services for NGOs include:
NGO Registration in India
- NGO Registration Consultancy
- Trust Registration
- Society Registration
- Section 8 Non Profit Company Registration
- National NGO Registration
- Devasthan Trust for Religious places
- Trust and Society at Charity Commissioner
Income Tax Exemption Registration
12A, 80G Registration Consultancy Service
FCRA Registration Consultancy
- Foreign Contribution Regulation Act Registration
- FCRA Prior Permission Registration before 3 years
- FCRA Return Submission
- FCRA Renewal and Updates
Documentation for required processes
- Niti Ayog – NGO Darpan Registration/ Empanelment
- Registration in National Trust
- Registration in Social Welfare Deptt for Grants
- Registration for Government Grants
- Online Government Project Submission
- Evaluation Report Writing for current Projects
- Impact Assessment Report Writing for completed Projects
Institutional Registration
- University Registration
- College Registration
- Medical College Registration
- Hospital Registration
- Nursing College Registration
- Engineering College Registration
- School Registration
- Skill Development under PMKVY
- Skill Development under DDU-GKY
Annual Report and Profile for NGO
- NGO Profile preparation
- Annual Report Writing for NGO
- Annual Report Designing for NGO
- Annual Report Updation and Improvement
- Impact Assessment Report
Project Proposal for NGO
- All kind of Project Proposal to get grants
- Project Proposal for NGO Funding
- Project Proposal for Government Schemes
- Submission of Project Proposal for Fund
- CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) Projects
- Project Report preparation and documentation
- Concept Note preparation before Project Proposal
- FCRA Project Proposals
- Evaluation Report for Ongoing Project
- Impact Assessment/ Project Review Report for Completed Projects
Company – Firm related Registrations
- Co-Operative Society Registration
- MSME Registration for Udhyog Adhar
- GST Registration for NGO
- ISO Registration
- Export License Registration Submission
- Company Registration
- LLP Registration
- Partnership Registration
Trademark and Copyright
- Trademark Registration
- Copyright Registration
- Patent Registration
Website Development
- Website Development for NGO
- Social Media Services for NGO