210, Delhi Tax Bar Association Building, 30, Rouse Avenue, DDU Marg, New Delhi.

Information Required for NGO Darpan Registration

Following Information and copies of documents required for Registration/ Empanelment in NGO Darpan to get Unique ID:

NGO Profile

Name of Organisation:
Registered with:
Type of NGO (Society/Trust/Company):
Registration No. of NGO:
Name of Act under which NGO is registered:
Date of registration:
NGO Registration validity date/ Renewal Date or No Renewal of Registration required:
Is NGO has FCRA: YES or NO
If yes then FCRA No.:
FCRA Registration Date:
FCRA Expiration Date:
Name of State from where NGO is registered:
Name of District from where NGO is registered:
Name of city/town from where NGO is registered:
Complete Contact Detail Address of NGO along with Pincode:
Telephone with STD code:
Mobile Number of Chief Functionary for NGO:
Email of NGO:
PAN Number of NGO:
Name of NGO on PAN Card:
Copy of PAN Card of NGO (you have to send it in JPG of PDF file format):
Website of NGO (if there is or not applicable)

NGO Registration Certificate & Memorandum
Copy of Memorandum/ Articles of Association (It is required to confirm the information detail of date, place, registering authority and some other requirement for registration detail in case of Trust).
Copy of Registration (you have to send it in JPG of PDF file format).
Copies of Certificates if any of them NGO have: 80, 12 A, FCRA or any other.

Detail about Chief Functionary
Name of Chief Functionary:
Gender of Chief Functionary: Male or Female
DOB of Chief Functionary:
Designation of Chief Functionary:
Name on Pan card of Chief Functionary (If name on pan card is different from member name then write it here):
Pan Number of Chief Functionary:
Name on Aadhaar Card of Chief Functionary (If name on Aadhaar card is different from member name then write it here):
Copy of Aadhaar Number of Chief Functionary (you have to send it in JPG of PDF file format).
Mobile of Chief Functionary:
Email of Chief Functionary:
Chief Functionary is Active/working Since: DD-MM-YYYY

Name of all Members of NGO with designations and the following detail
Name of Member:
Gender of Member: Male or Female
DOB of Member:
Designation of Member (President/ Chairman/ Gen. Secretary/ Secretary/Vice President/ Treasures/ Joint Secretary/ Member/ any other):
Name on Pan card of Member (If name on pan card is different from member name then write it here):
PAN card number of member in Text:
PAN Card Copy of Member (you have to send it in JPG or PDF file format):
Name on Aadhaar Card of Member (If name on Aadhaar card is different from member name then write it here):
Aadhaar Number of Member in Text:
Aadhaar Card Copy of member (you have to send it in JPG or PDF file format):
Mobile of Member:
Email of Member:
Member is Active/working Since: DD-MM-YYYY

If PAN Card or Adhaar Card of any Member is not available then that Member cannot be added.

Sector/ Key Issues

Write the names of issues on which you are working or wish to work (Education/Health/Children/Environment/Human Rights/Women Welfare/Old Aged Person/or any other you have to write here):
Operational area of NGO: Name of States and District wise

Add Source of Fund Information
Financial Year: (The detail of financial years 2020-21 and previous years)
Government or Foreign Grant Sanctioned: YES or NO

If State or Government or Foreign Grant received then the required detail is mentioned below.)If State or Government or Foreign Grant is NOT received then you can write the funds received Year wise from supporters of self fund detail.
Purpose for which fund expenditure is made (upto 500 characters):

Detail of Activities/Achievements
Best Practices – performed so far and running presently (up to 500 characters) – {Matter clearly written according to format of Niti Ayog is accepted only}:
Major Activities/Achievements(Enter Major Activities/Achievements- upto 500 characters) – {Matter clearly written according to format of Niti Ayog is accepted only}:

If the NGO has Sanctioned/received the Government Grant or Foreign grant in any Financial Year, from 2013-14 to 2016-17, then you have to provide the detail as given in the following points:-

Funds information in Financial Year
Grant Sanctioned: YES or NO
Source – Clear it what is the Fund Source: (State Govt. or Central Govt. or Overseas Organization)
Department Name (Please Enter Department Name):
Amount Sanctioned – (Please Provide Amount Sanctioned): —–.00 ₹
Amount Released – (Please Provide Amount Released): —–.00 ₹
Amount Spent – (Please Provide Amount Spent): —–.00 ₹
Project Name – (Please Provide Project Name):
Project Location – (Please Provide Project Location):
Project State(Name of State/s):
Project Districts:
PFMS ID – Please Provide Project Location:
Scheme ID – Please Provide Scheme ID (if there is any):
Utilization certificate -(If there is then clear it) : Yes or No
Purpose/Comments (about the fund received and achievements) – (upto 500 characters):

Avoid about the option and requirements that are not applicable for your NGO

NGO Darpan Registration Consultancy and Support

Scan the code
Hello Sir/Madam,
If you need Consultancy then you can please Message or call us at 7700993355.
नमस्कार जी! अगर आप कंसल्टेंसी सेवा चाहते है तो व्हाट्सप्प मैसेज कर सकते है या 7700993355 पर बात कर सकते है.