210, Delhi Tax Bar Association Building, 30, Rouse Avenue, DDU Marg, New Delhi.

NGO Profile

A well written profile of a NGO represents it in a positive light and exact status. Thus profile of organization is very useful to make a good impact and picture of works, activities, working area, issues it is working with and the target beneficiaries it is working for and achievements on the reader including volunteers, supports and donors. This guide has been written to help you in preparing and representing NGO’s profile in an effective way. NGO’s profile contains all the information about it such as the organization’s name, legal registration details, contact details, address, aim, vision, mission, objectives, background, target, programs, activities, etc.

How Chanakya will help you to prepare Profile of your NGO

Chanakya NGO Consultancy prepares NGO profiles that declare the Vision, Goals, Objectives and Mission of the organization. We write profiles that include the complete story of the organization’s inception like how it came into existence, information about the founding members, inspiration behind its formation etc. Essential details like legal registration details and tax assumption status are also included. Legal registration details include the law under which the organization has been constituted and registration pertaining to receipt of foreign funds, i.e., FCRA registration status.

General outline would include

Goal: of the organization that is the major purpose for which the organization was constituted.
Vision: for which the organization was conceived and every effort made by the organization shall be in this direction that is broader in implementation and implication.

Mission: of the organization that mentions the strategy the organization that it is going to adopt in order to attain the goal described in previous section.

Objectives: real and measurable objectives are mentioned.

Location/ Area of Operation: the area of NGO’s intervention, geographical location of target area and its demographic type.

Target Beneficieries: description of the population living in the NGO’s area of operation that includes the economic, social and cultural set up.

Organization structure and Strength: the structure of your organization under this heading. Segregate it department wise such as management staff, accounts department, field workers, volunteers etc.

Governing Board: complete information the governing body including names of board members, their background details, experience, educational qualification, assigned roles to them, activities and contact details.

Major Activities: list of all the activities in a chronological order starting from the present ones and moving onto the past ones with the duration of the activities, implementing employee(s), location and achievements of that activity.

Network and donors: this includes a list of NGO’s network, partner organizations, the type of partnership, supporters etc.

Awards and Recognition: mention awards and recognition for their exemplary work from foreign as well as national Government. These awards and recognition is a huge morale booster for the organization, its members as well as their supporters.

Check here How to prepare NGO Profile

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