210, Delhi Tax Bar Association Building, 30, Rouse Avenue, DDU Marg, New Delhi.

Field Survey Reports

Chanakya prepares field survey reports and data collection reports for client NGOs. Field reports are needed in disciplines like social work, anthropology, criminal justice, health care, education, law etc. This is done to build a bridge that depicts relevancy between the theoretical concepts and the practice of actually doing the work. Field reports are organized differently and serve a different purpose.

Field Survey reports and Data collection report

NGOs prepare a field report with the intention to improve their understanding of the key issues prevalent in the target area through a method of careful and structured observation and reflection of people and their social, economic and cultural factors. Field reports facilitate in the development of data collection techniques and observation skills. Field reports provide an opportunity to obtain evidence that contribute to or challenge existing theories. We all observe people, their interactions and events. But when writing a field report it is our responsibility to create a research study on the basis of data generated.

When writing a field report it is important to:

  • Systematically observe and record the varying aspects of a situation.
  • Continuously analyze the observations made and look for the meaning underlying the actions observed.
  • Record the observations in a focused way while paying attention to details.
  • Consciously record and analyze what you hear and see in the context of a theoretical framework.

Chanakya prepares field survey reports that use various sampling techniques. Our sampling techniques include Ad Libitum Sampling, Behavior Sampling, Continuous Recording, Focal Sampling, instantaneous Sampling, One-Zero Sampling and Scan Sampling.
In the present times of data-driven decision making, data is fundamental necessity to the success of the process. Whether for program monitoring, funding, accountability or any other NGO activity data is the center of discussion. Chanakya prepares data collection report in compliance to state law, central law and rules followed internationally.

We include various data gathering techniques in our reports like:

  • Note Taking: common and easiest method of recording observations. The report makes maximum use of data collected through many small paragraphs that reflect changes in activities, who is talking, etc.
  • Photography: we include quality photographs of the objects, events, and people in the report. Photographs capture an important moment in time and helps document details about the subject. It even saves a lot of time by helping in documenting the details which otherwise would require extensive note taking.
  • Video and Audio Recordings: if needed we may also include video or audio recording in the online copy of report that the client NGO can upload on their site. This facilitates repeated analysis of collected data. This can be very helpful as you gather additional information or insights during your data gathering phase that you can analyze later.
  • Illustrations/Drawings: we are not talking about artistic endeavor but about certain illustration techniques like map of the target area or illustrating objects in relation to the population of target area and its behavior. This also includes rough tables or graphs to document the frequency and type of observations. This is subsequently placed in a more readable format when we write the report.
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